Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Revision Classes

Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know I've e-mailed Dr. Holton with the topics I'd find most useful for revision classes-- I thought I'd let you know what I said:

"If possible, I'd find a language class and textual criticism class (for A4 & A5) very useful, as these papers are the two I'm least confident with. A class on historical context for the Old English and Middle English literature papers would also be very handy. I think though, what I'd find most useful is if you'd be kind enough to look over exam essays I did for any of the papers. I don't know if this corresponds with what Janette and Neelini would find most useful, or with what you have planned; I hope it's all okay."

I hope Lali and Janette, you're both alright with this? I'm judging for both of you, a language class is completely unnecessary, and also it seems you'd both like an A2 class... I guess Dr. Holton will work out a balance or something? :)



Illusionary said...

sounds fine. i mailed her myself, saying i will do practice papers and send them to her, so she can comment on them, and that i will coem along for the classes suggested by miss ayoush here :)

Lollius said...

Yup, that sounds cool. I'm terrified about A2 at present. Aaaargh!